Can I log jmd out of Netflix?


Share my acc with a few friends but a friend is watching 24/7 Netflix which annoys me, because I also want to take a look. She says that she has already signed out long ago but every time I go to Netflix there's "streaming stick". And she is the only one watching streaming stick Netflix! (I already told her that, but she thinks she is not). Can one jmd. Just log out? (I have tried to change the password but it does not work).


Iwas wrong but then not.

If you change the password, then everyone is logged out and can't continue until they log in again.

Besides, more than one can look at the same time.


No, only if you have such a premium account. And I thought so synonymous first that all are logged off but thought wrong ♀️


Of course it is.

My colleague changed his password only recently and then I had to log in again.

In any case, you should be able to log out iwo manually in the settings synonymous.


You can change the password and automatically disconnect all connected devices.


You share 1 basic subscription?


Just pay 3 Euro more that makes 1,50 for each more and everyone can look when he wants.