Do I get a loan of 30000 euro with 1500?


I would like to get a loan of 30,000 euro. My net income is 1500 euro

I live in the house with my parents, practically have my own apartment in the house and therefore do not have to pay rent, I only have minor expenses such as cell phone bills, internet, fitness, Netflix.

Do you think a credit bank would give me that amount?

M.f.G Currenzzy


And what security has to offer? Property that completely covers this sum? Expect at least 1.5 times the value


Counter question: Doesn't it make more sense to ask the bank?


Depends on. If you can submit a fixed employment contract, that's quite possible. With a temporary you can do what you want, because the chances are very slim


The normal things, permanent contract, a car, a surety?!


You will need a guarantor that covers the risk of default. Then 30k shouldn't be a problem if you actually have more than 1000 euro of gaming space every month.


Banks do the following:

Living expenses 750-900 euro / person
rental fee

the capital servicing ability is calculated. In your case the rent is 0, insurance is wasted. Low. Let's say 1000 euro is deducted from your income, so that rates of up to 500 euro / month would be possible… Positive Schufa required. Possibly. You have to choose a longer term as you want to get the loan. Sounds strange, but it is true.

but you can usually 50% of the remaining amount once a year at no extra cost.


The bank always calculates the rent in the cost of living right? Then everything would be paletti in my case with a maximum of 1000 euro?


No, with what I've got out at some banks up to now 700-950 euro for food + electricity + leisure etc. Are expected… A car costs around 100 euro / month to book and then rent + insurance again. Since you do not pay rent, you get 1000 euro.

Now the term is still important, a term of one year would e.g. Do not go because the rate would be higher than 500 euro… With a correspondingly long term it should work.

Tip: if it is rejected, be persistent and find out why, have it explained to you. There you learn a lot how strange they calculate, but you can change your own parameters if necessary. Regardless of this… You should always ask yourself whether you can pay it… You can assess it much better than a bank (at least you should)


At 30,000, with a regular income, there's no need for a guarantor. The last 3 pay slips should be enough.


At 30000 no collateral is needed. It usually comes with the last 3 pay slips.