Would I get a loan from the bank during the trial period?


I'm now still a good 3 months in the trial period in my new job. And last month I got a letter from the employment office about the integration grant which my new company applied for. And the grant lasts just as long as the trial period. Now dad and I drive to the bank on Wednesday because I would like to buy a new car. The loan amount is 10,000 euro and wanted to pay off over 3 years. I still live at home, I'm a bachelor and have hardly any running costs.

the only cost is. Mobile phone contract, Spotify, Netflix, Amazon Prime and stop driving the car and stop insurance that's it and from next month food allowance.

I don't earn badly and I'm really thrifty. I could survive the three years and would the bank give me the loan?


Do you have reserves? So ne apartment, car, possibly home savings contracts

if your father vouches for you that should work (as long as he has a permanent job and is debt free)


No, as I said, I still live with my parents


If someone can give you some advice, then just wait with the car or save the money for a good used one.

Today you have no assurance that you will be taken on after the probationary period, and a bank will not grant any loans as long as you are no longer employed by a company.

Maybe your dad could lend you money for a cheaper car and you will pay him back every month.

If for whatever reason you don't expect something in between, then you are faster in the debt trap than one thinks.

At some point you want to leave home and then start immediately with a loan and you also want to live and between boarding money at home and to finance your own apartment with everything that goes with it, then you have to tighten your belt.

But it's your life and your decision and how you choose, that will show later, whether you can make wise decisions.