Netflix error message Do you have too many downloaded videos?


I've been using Netflix for a long time and have had a problem with it for some time now, and I can only download very few episodes. So for example I have not downloaded anything yet, then I try to download a episode of Brooklyn 99 and get this message: "you have too many downloaded videos on this device, please delete them to download more".

I HAVE NOT DOWNLOADED ONE VIDEO ON MY MOBILE NETFLIX VIDEO. So it must be clearly a bug / bug from Netflix. So far, I could always download exactly 3 episodes until this message came. For a few days but not a single episode anymore. What can this be? Otherwise I can actually download everything just not Brooklyn 99 …


Erase hold the three you have downloaded and try it again


Netflix → Account → Manage download devices → Delete device

Then try again


"I HAVE NOT DOWNLOADED A SINGLE VIDEO ON MY MOBILE WITH NETFLIX… So far, I've always been able to download exactly 3 episodes…"


Are you downloading episodes on your device or not? But you can still watch directly?

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