MDM profile on the iPad?


I got an iPad from the school, my question is can the school see through the MDM profile which pages I was on e.g. Netflix or something? Because you can only learn with it, I only have online lessons on Wednesdays and Thursdays

MDM profile on the iPad

With an MDM it is possible to see your complete browser history. Whether that is possible at your school can't be said, the photo you sent is general BlaBla.

If in doubt, just ask your teacher.


What about private mode? Is it possible without you seeing it?


I just checked again, according to the Internet, the admin Can't see your browser history. Sorry for the wrong answer.


@ T6Thompson could you send me the post where you got that from? Would be very nice thank you

the last sentence unsettles me in the picture I uploaded


Here for example on the side of an MDM administrator
In the paragraph in the photo something else is described; the point is that your internet traffic could be routed through the school, then everything could be queried (including the internet connections from apps). But as it is already there: more information from your admin.