Are Article 13 also restricting, if not blocking, streaming services?


Since next week from Monday to Wednesday are the trilogue negotiations and it may well be that Article 13 hereby comes into force, I wanted to ask if then streaming services such as, Spotify, Amazon Video or Netflix be blocked or restricted?


The question is answered…

If you can give a reason for this


Nope, these need only Lizenverträge with the collecting societies (Gema, VG word, VG picture, etc.) agree, then the drops sucked.


Why should they be blocked?

Spotifi, Amazon Video and Netflix do not infringe copyright, but their business model is to acquire the rights to certain films and music and then make these available to the end user for a fee, so they work on the same principle as any cinema and every disco, just virtual and on subscription.

What does this have to do with abuses of copyright and piracy against which the matter is directed? Who will be the main concern are Youtube and other websites, where it is currently still possible to upload content and sonmit to make available to all those who do not have the rights at all.


Thank you for your answer. But why do you put your questions as if I already had the knowledge and stupid me?
I have asked the question, so that someone enlightens me and you then come with a counter question: "What has this to do with abuse?", I can't do anything that I have dealt with the topic first and possibly by my question would like to gain a bit of knowledge.
The next time just such questions that represent the questioner as stupid, at least I feel so, let his, thank you.