Is it bad that I'm more likely to. Believe in


That may sound a bit strange but I have known for a long time that I no longer believe in God but rather in Lucifer or as others say "Satan"… This thought has been in my head for a long time… And I have only recently I saw the series "the chilling adventures of sabrina" and then "shadowhunters" on netflix and this only confirmed my thoughts even more… My question to you is only your opinion about it… How do you like that? Have you already had such thoughts? Or do you think that's bad? Lg.


How can you believe in Lucifer without believing in the Christian God, the existence of Satan does not imply the existence of the Christian God


Meh, just have a different imaginary friend than the others.

Just a bit strange. Since Satan / Lucifer grows directly from Christian teaching. Without God there would be no satan.

So it's a bit strange to say: I don't believe in God. But on satan.

If there's no god (the Christian) there can be no satan.


Wow okay i didn't think about that but i also meant that if i had to pray to one of them i would pray to "satan"


Hmm… In my picture, Lucifer is a fallen angel and closely connected to the existence of God.

Satan, Baphomet, Beelzebub etc. I see other beings and would classify them differently.

But if I believe in spiritual / religious entities, I would believe in all that exist in various mythologies / writings.

Perhaps it is different worlds or dimensions to which people have individual access.

If you go back to an absolute polarity like good and bad, I would probably call it God and Devil and I think that both forces are always fighting for their influence on the real world, like pulling a rope. The world is God's work and the devil's contribution.


Every animal has its own little animal.

I've also had phases of flirting with the devil, and Pan, who some people consider to be a devil, is one of my main deities at the moment.

But isn't there a difference between

Is it bad that I m more likely to. Believe in (= the light bearer, the morning star) and (= the accuser)? You call both as if it were one and the same figure.

And I've also noticed that there's definitely a difference between Luciferianism and Satanism.


I think you can also refer to both. In old magic books, for example, there's nothing special about working with God as well as with angels, devils and demons.


Oh wow i think i'm not really informed yet but apparently there are still many people who see lucifer and satan as one and the same figure…


If you refer to both I have no problem, it seems to me only illogical to say that you do not believe in the Christian God, but then to worship Lucifer the Christian devil, whose history is closely related to the Christian God.


Yes, Christian people somehow both subsume it under "devil". Quasi as an opponent of God, as absolute evil.

Christianity is often not so differentiated - especially in popular Christianity.

But if you take a closer look, they are two different characters with a different story.


Lucifer has been around longer than Christianity.

For the Romans, this was the name for the morning star, i.e. The planet Venus.

Is it bad that I m more likely to. Believe in


If it's just that you think Lucifer is the good and God the bad, then why not. Because seeing Christian God as a being that mankind has only created to have worship slaves is, in my opinion, not so far-fetched.

Then, strictly speaking, you still believe in God.


Lucifer as the devil and figure of Satan, to which the questioner obviously refers, but originated with Christianity.


Lucifer "did not" arise "as a figure of the devil and Satan". Even if I think I understand what you mean.