Is the laptop good value for money?


I would like to get a new laptop so that I can be mobile to gamble anywhere, watch Netflix and work.

So I picked one on the recommendation of a video. However, I do not know whether the laptop is worthwhile in terms of price. And also whether I can simply install Windows myself and thus save 100 euro.

What is your opinion on the laptop?


The laptop seems to be quite good with the choice of components. However, this graphics card is already installed in laptops from 800 euro and I would advise you to compare the processors so that you know whether the surcharge for the CPU is worthwhile.

Windows is very easy to install if you have a PC with which you can drag Windows onto a boot medium, e.g. A USB stick.

Otherwise, I would recommend you to think about whether it could not be a desktop PC as well, as that has advantages again.

Hope I could help you.