Do I already have or am I about to burn out?


Since half a year, nothing is going on in my life, I'm now 17 and so much does not get my turn I still have to pass one exam (10th grade secondary school) but no matter what I try I have the documentation already I had to go through the night to finish the part for the next day and even then I had forgotten something already when I thought that I finally had to start with the exam I felt terrible I stand each one Morning and the only thing I do is lie in bed and watch Netflix (is only voluntary lessons) the sad thing is that I can only feel that way. I do not feel anything lately anymore it feels like someone else watching a person as she no longer gets her life started. This tremendous pressure on me with training after school, driving license in which I have twice fallen through the theory because I think I can't take anything more makes me so much finished I get to hear only from others, as I do all always disappointed and that my behavior does not work I constantly get only reproaches that pull me even more into the abyss. I'm totally in the end no matter what I try my body does not even manage to catch up, I would not write this if it had not originated from the total despair.


No, that's not a burnout. You only sink into self-pity, because you now realize that "life" is not always just pill-palle.

Usually you learn that already in school - at the latest when you write the first five. However, as today's parents tend to completely free their children, it will be doubly hard for them if the influence of mum and dad reaches its limits…


If you think it would be worth a closer examination, you should consult a doctor. From a forum, or a question in a lay forum you get no even halfway reliable assessments.

But download one or the other app from the net. There are apps from various reputable clinics that allow you to repeatedly check and record your mood. Anyway, after a period of perhaps two to four weeks of regular findings, a reasonably reliable assessment can be made anyway. You'll have to fill the app with the questions for a while with answers.

Here's an example of the USZ in the area of depression and burnout:

But be sure to use apps from reputable clinics!


No that's not a bornout, a complete failure! You have imposed the stress on yourself and learned too much and especially too long to be good and to succeed! That's a mistake many students make!

You always have to learn DAILY, then you do not have to learn for the exams! Before exams you should only reaffirm the topics, but not (new) learning! Of course the daily learning activity should take place in the school, to concentrate, to understand the whole material and to ask the teacher if necessary! The post-processing of the substance (HA, edit fabric, do not want to learn!) Should at home max. 1.5-2 hours to complete! You also have to spend hours and hours shutting down and relaxing!