What to do in lockdown


I really don't know what to do next. During this lockdown (and the first one too) I just lie around, watch Netflix, and smoke weed almost every day. The only productive thing I do are the few hours of online lessons. Does anyone have an idea for a new meaningful hobby where the man does not sit in front of the screen.


Reading would come to mind first

Otherwise you could think about where your own strengths and interests lie and get creative and think about how you can implement them in lockdown (of course, while observing the rules)


Jogging, home training, learning to cook, investing money sensibly, rearranging / tidying up rooms. These are just a few ideas, but maybe this will help you!


Stop smoking pot start reading train building your body eating well you will seldom have as much time for yourself in life as jz in corona use it so that it brings you something


I go archery and crossbow shooting. The latter does not apply to you because you are still a student and crossbows are only 18 and older. Bogen could see if there's an archer near you who will explain the basics to you.

Or. You can also have a lot of fun with a Zwille. Just take a few wooden balls and roving them into the forest. This comes from archery and is probably the oldest training method. You shoot at tree stumps, mushrooms and whatever else is found. With bows you should have permission here. Nobody cares about a Zwille with wooden balls, because you don't cause any real damage. With wooden balls, no rubbish is left in the forest.


Sport bro, and ott is not exactly the best drive to start with