Do you also find the lockdown unnecessary?


I don't see the point of a lockdown where the schools are still open. It's different for everyone, but I'll briefly describe my current situation. At exactly 6 a.m. I get up at 6:54 a.m. To get the tram, which takes me about 20 minutes. As always, it is full and I can forget a seat. At least over 90% wear a mask, with around 20% wearing it under their noses. At 7:26 am my connecting bus arrives, for which I have to wait about 10 minutes and then take it for about 10 minutes. The same as on the tram is there for the bus. School starts at 7.45 a.m.

When I arrive at the class, I sit close together in a classroom with 31 other students. Most students wear a mask in class when the teacher is around, others either get in trouble or are overlooked. Almost no one wears a mask during breaks or when there's no teacher. Most teachers don't seem to know how to ventilate properly either. Then there are the gaps in the lesson in the timetable where you just sit in the playground and have nothing to do. School finally ends at 2:30 p.m. And it's time to take public transport home for an hour.

When I get home, I eat and learn first, and I also do homework for studying. In the evening I eat again and watch Netflix until I fall asleep and the whole day can start over.

I don't know how you see it, but the lockdown doesn't change anything for me. If then the schools should be closed like in the spring, at least from class 5. What is your opinion on this? Has anything changed for you?


It is actually known that young people your age do not get infected easily.

The lockdown makes perfect sense. Maybe you should find out more about why this had to happen.


Is a problem that needs to be solved.

Adhering to the rules during a period (classroom) is of no use if you are standing close together in the bus / train afterwards.


(You are not against the lockdown, but against the rules at the school or their implementation, as they are not sufficient to offer protection.)


Just because you don't get the point doesn't change the fact that the partial lockdown in Germany is extremely important and very useful.

The following applies to schools: It is important that they stay open because…

Home schooling does not work (well) for many students
It is to be feared that otherwise many students completely lose touch and almost an entire year is lost
the lack of social contact at school causes psychological problems for many students
In many families there are social problems (domestic violence, …) when everyone is "squeezed in" at home
working parents can't stay at home to look after their children


The mask requirement in schools is rather unnecessary. At my school you generally don't have to wear a mask. People for whom Corona is dangerous are directly or indirectly infected in buses and trains. I think schools should close again because it's more chilled and safer. It also improves my grades.


I can't understand some things (as you already describe it) if you compare them with each other. I'm not allowed to meet two other people from two different households, but I can sit in close proximity in a classroom with 25 other people. Not to mention the bus and train. In itself, I definitely consider the lockdown to be sensible and necessary, but schools should at least switch to homeschooling after a certain age, which wouldn't be a problem either. It is true that younger people are less at risk, but of course you infect others and with me, for example, my father and brother belong to the risk group. Something should be changed in the regulation, but otherwise I consider the rest to be necessary.


In itself, I definitely consider the lockdown to be sensible and necessary, but schools should at least switch to homeschooling after a certain age, which wouldn't be a problem either

Yes, but I need a real lockdown like in spring and not such a partial lockdown. If so, then right.


Yes, then you don't have to waste 2 hours every day on bus trips. And can immediately increase to learn. In general, I think that you learn better in homeschooling. My testimonial has also improved from 1.8 to 1.2.


(You are not against the lockdown, but against the rules at the school or their implementation, as they are not sufficient to offer protection.)

Yes, and I think it needs a real lockdown and not a partial lockdown like now. This partial lockdown is unnecessary. If so, then right.


PS: Your question is wrongly asked. Actually it should read: "Do you think that the schools should close again" or something like that.


No, that's already correct. The point is that a lockdown without a school closure will not bring anything. I "justified" it with the text below the question.