Set the Internet equal?


I have the following problem.

Whenever my parents watch Netflix on their TV and I want to watch the PS4 Netflix with me, everything runs in the best resolution and with me as well as not at all. Is there a way to set the router so that everyone has the same amount of mbit / s available


Either you buy a Wlan amplifier or you put the wireless router times where else. Believe me had the same problem that helps


Is it the same Netflix account? If not, you can regulate the resolution directly in the parent's account.


First of all, it is an indication that the bandwidth of your connection is not sufficient to transmit two streams in the best quality. If you prioritize your stream, your parents will have quality issues. Is that the solution you want? It would be better to book a higher bandwidth at the ISP, so that all are satisfied (if this is technically and financially possible).