How can I motivate myself to learn?


I'm in tenth grade and can't motivate myself to learn. Even if I have a whole afternoon to go to school and have decided to do it, I can't do it. I then start watching Netflix and just can't get away from it and at some point my time to study will be over without even looking in my files. I urgently need good tips to help me. Because if it continues like this, I won't make grade 10.


It is best to find a place without any form of distraction, if necessary, give your cell phone to your parents while you study so that you are not tempted.


You can do it

You have a brain and then tell you I want to master level 10 and turn off your cell phone so really turn off and if you want to turn your cell phone on again but have finished studying you will notice yourself that it is wrong and vice versa


I have the same problem. I start with the HA, then my eyes wander and I start doing something completely different. I'm always told: You do so many things in between, but you have more free time and could go outside and all that. Just tell your brain it's the right thing to do, put the phone down somewhere turned off and any other things that distract you too.


First of all, you should make sure that the framework conditions for learning are right. The following aspects are important (in my opinion) in order to learn effectively, not to distract yourself (because I have the problem myself!) And to make good progress and achieve something:

Create order before studying.

If the room or desk is messy, I can't study. I think many people know the problem! It is easy to get distracted by the mess and the thought is more likely to be tidying up. And when you then clean up, it often takes a long time, because you find sooo many exciting things that are much more interesting than actually learning. You lose valuable time as a result. So: first tidy up before you learn and have the things ready that you really need for learning (e.g. Books, exercises, old exams or your stapler and pens). Otherwise, many people (including me and many other people I know) begin to procrastinate. You could spruce up the room / apartment again!

What could also counteract this is to go to another place. This can be another room in your apartment (e.g. The kitchen, the living room or, in summer, the balcony) or you go to the library. I find that the library is where I learn most effectively, so that I can spend half the day there.

Make sure you have enough drinks and snacks.

That is one of the most important points. Drinking enough is important when studying; water, diluted juice or tea are best for this. I usually stick to the water. I always put a carafe and a glass in front of myself to study. I drink a lot while studying because otherwise I get tired.

Small snacks that provide energy to the brain are also important, of course. I don't mean sweets like gummy bears or chips, but fruit, vegetables or nuts. While the latter are also high in calories, they are much healthier than the sweet sins.

I wouldn't eat right before studying either. Otherwise the body will get tired because it concentrates more on digestion than on your learning content and you will therefore get into such a small depression afterwards.

Ensure an adequate supply of oxygen.

It is also important that you ventilate once before you start learning. The brain uses up most of the oxygen and if you are not studying on the balcony, it should be ventilated before studying so that your brain gets new energy while you study. Of course you can also learn with the window open whether this makes sense in winter is the other question.

If you have decided to study with the window closed, you should definitely ventilate during the breaks, as the oxygen will eventually be depleted and the brain will be tired.

Switch off all technical devices.

I'm very prone to being distracted by my computer or cell phone while studying. When I'm studying, I don't just switch my cell phone to airplane mode, I turn it off (if I'm not learning vocabulary, then just airplane mode). Otherwise I know: Ah, my cell phone is on, maybe XY answered or I'm missing something. That can wait until after learning. I actually don't use my cell phone during the breaks, but more on that in a moment.

I also rarely need my internet when I'm not writing a term paper. That's why I can switch my computer to flight mode so I don't hang around on any platforms or social networks. As a rule, I already have my material available as PDF files so that I can access them without the Internet.

Motivate yourself before studying.

It always helps if I think briefly about what I want to achieve in this exam before studying. E.g. I wrote an exam in inorganic chemistry a few semesters ago. My goal was at least a 2.0, since my previous chemistry exams at university were rather mediocre. So I worked hard for three weeks on this grade and it was worth it. I even exceeded my expectations! Note goals can be a possible motivation, but they don't have to be. Also e.g. A bet made is a motivation: A friend bet me that I would get a better result than 2.7 in a Latin exam. I made the bet