Learn: How do you motivate yourself?


I have huge difficulties to motivate myself to learn. I sit down and usually get up after 5 minutes to do something different or watch Netflix.

If anything, I study a day before the exams because the pressure gives me a high level of motivation. However, there's usually not enough time to get a 1.

I'm absolutely sure that I could write anywhere if I only learned two hours a day.

How do you motivate yourself to learn or how did you motivate yourself? Are there any tips and tricks?


I rarely learned when I was at school - since I remembered most of the lessons anyway. When I had to learn something, it motivated me to decorate the wall where my desk was and to listen to music alongside it. Everyone has their own way to motivate themselves, but you will definitely find yours over time. GLG


For me, this works very well through deterrence. After graduating from high school, I worked a night shift on an assembly line in an institute. Had to be pushed around all the time by some people who couldn't even speak a word of German. From then on it was clear to me: I never want to end like this. To date, this is my greatest motivation.


Turn off all electrical devices, no music or anything. The place where you study should be neat (that always drives me crazy). And for me it is the highest motivation to get praise from a teacher. When a teacher tells me that I did it well, I definitely don't want to get worse, and then I usually write a one. Imagine how impressed all teachers and your classmates would be if you wrote in English or something like that. That's how it always works for me.


I always try to set myself a goal (it shouldn't be too big and not too small, so it's a realistic goal) and try to meet it. Maybe a little motivational music helps.


Do you have motivational music for me?


Maybe you are looking for "Motivation" on Spotify or similar apps


I also had the problem. My measures:

I bought an agenda (as robust as possible and with one page per day → Moleskine creates very good agendas)
Write down everything you have to do → key points if you e.g. Then write an essay on several key points:

Essay on squirrels

Mind map
write text
Control (grammar)

And every time you have done something you cross it off. In addition, I always imagine a timer, for example. 60 minutes for point 1-2 and then you put the cell phone away, for example. Behind you or so. I always make a reward for individual bullet points, but you should do several small tasks at once, otherwise you will have to go back to "learning mode".

If you practice learning Bollemie (under pressure in a short time) set deadlines for exams 1-2 days before the exam after which you will NOT learn more.

I personally have developed a kind of "status" in my class or family that I'm good and reliable in school, which gives me an additional incentive

I hope I could help you with this and would recommend you not to do everything at once but in small pieces


I would always take my favorite music or something that has no voices (eg helps me so I can also listen to metal while studying as long as nobody sings.