Witcher book series? - 1


I'm interested in the story of the Netflix series "The Witcher". I would like to read the books about it, but unfortunately I don't know which one to start with and whether it is worth reading the books before the second season begins.

What are the names of the books or the individual book series?

Is it worth reading or is the series better?


A book is always better than the series or films based on it.

The Witcher books are wonderfully written, I can only recommend them.


The order in which the books are read is described here. Have fun


Yes, the books are worth it. Sometimes exciting, sometimes wonderful humor when old stories / legends are sometimes more or less subtly dragged through the cocoa, reinterpreted or presented in a completely different way.

I'm particularly looking forward to Regis, he could belong to Lady Margolotta's "Black Ribboners" if he lived in the right world for it, sorry, exist, we don't want to become vitalistic here. )

The time is just as confusing within the short stories as it is in the series, but since each of the stories makes sense for itself, that's not too dramatic.
The 5 related books, on the other hand, of course have an order, but this is easy to find out.


First the short story volumes:

The last wish

The sword of providence

Then the 5 novels:

The legacy of the elves

The time of contempt

The depth of fire

The swallow tower

The lady from the lake

And if you still feel like it:

Die Zeit der Sturms (single erbL novel temporally between the short story volumes)

Something ends something begins (there are 2 non canon short stories about the witcher in the book)

The series deals very vaguely with the first two volumes of short stories. I would definitely read the books if you were interested in the world. The games are even more outstanding


First you must read the short story books "The Last Wish" and "The Sword of Providence".

After that, you need to read the novels in the following order:

(Time of storm)
The legacy of the elves
The time of contempt
Baptism of fire
The swallow tower
The lady from the lake

There's also another volume of short stories ("Something ends, something begins"), but only two of the stories take place in the Witcher universe.

The novels form the core of the story, but the short stories establish the characters and realities of the world and offer the reader a good introduction. The last stories from "The Sword of Providence" form the direct prehistory to the topic of the novel series.

However, the Internet is not entirely sure where the novel "The Time of the Storm" fits. The book was published 14 years after the last Witcher novel and has no real reference to the main story, but the book spoils the other novels a bit, which is why it is advisable to read the book at the end.

The Netflix series adapts the two short story volumes and small parts of the first novel "The Legacy of the Elves". There are always time leaps in the series and as a viewer you only realize what's really going on in the last episode. If you read the two volumes of short stories, this can help you, because to keep an overview (a little better). However, you have to read the short stories in the order in which they are printed, otherwise there will also be discrepancies in the book.

The books are extremely well written and very easy to read.




Thanks for your detailed explanation.