Witcher book series?


I'm watching Netflix The Witcher right now and I really like it. That's why I thought I could read the books too. Now I come to my question: The first season of Netflix comprises how many books or which part of a book? So if I watched the first season, which books would I have already read (please name the book and not volume 1/2 etc.) Thank you in advance.


The series is largely a story of its own. Some stories from The Last Wish and The Sword of Providence have been adapted, but you should read that anyway, because the story for the series has been completely changed as I said.


So the first season only has stories from the first book?


No. The first two books are short stories, which is what the series uses. In addition there's material from the first volume of the saga (The Legacy of the Elves) which has been changed.

Read the short stories and the whole saga (5 volumes), it's worth it.


Okay thanks


The series is basically the adaptation of the first two books. The book series consists of two short story volumes, then five contiguous novels and subsequently two published books, one an independent novel that is said to take place before or between the first two short stories, and another short story volume.

As already written, the series is the film adaptation of the first two short story volumes, which initiate the actual series of novels and offer certain basics. However, Netflix has partially changed these stories to make it more "exciting" as a film adaptation. The basic idea has remained the same, but the presentation differs from the original. In my opinion it's a shame that the books could have been filmed as they are, but I think the series is excellent.

So if you want to "read" the series, you would have to read "The Last Wish" and "The Sword of Providence". Incidentally, these are also very recommendable for everyone who has played or wants to play Witcher 3, because it understands some of the allusions in the game.