Employ yourself how?


My boyfriend always sleeps and doesn't do anything with me and he has no friends in the area because we have a long-distance relationship and I'm always 400 km away from my people with him. I mostly gamble but I'm slowly running out of them. And there's nothing on Netflix that interests me anymore. What could I do alone? I've already tried to draw it is getting boring too… What do you do against boredom when you are alone?


Maybe you should just switch friends if you don't have anything in common.


Wake him up and play with him.


Go swimming, for example in the indoor pool! Go out and do something!

See if there's something where you can hike! Or sights!

Visiting a trade fair or exhibition, which is currently not possible!

But if he is just asleep who you are with him Dan you should look for someone else who is either so tired because of work or from partying!


Play a game that is endless and takes a long time to get into or a series / anime that has many episodes and is gripping. Game: e.g. League of Legends series: Suits / One Piece

both take a lot of time


See if there's something for you in my anti-boredom program:

Tidy rooms and closets,
cleaning, defrosting the refrigerator,
Check supplies for expiry date
wash, iron, mend, sew, tinker,
Knit sweater, socks, hat and gloves,
Making a new carpet for the living room
Crochet new sofa blanket
Tidy basement, storage, garage
cook and freeze in advance,
Bake cookies, cakes or bread
jogging, going to the fitness center or swimming pool
Go to the nearest shelter and walk dogs
ride out
Visit the zoo, animal park, sealife or falconry
Museum, library, cinema, theater, circus
Sort photos in albums
Paint oil or watercolor painting
Make charcoal portrait drawing of all family members
puzzling, laying tangram,
plan next vacation
Visit the planetarium or observatory
Learn / practice using sextants
Brush up on survival skills
Learn / practice sailor knots
Growing crystals
experiment with chemistry / electronics kits
Examine and determine with a microscope fungal spores / pollen etc.
Create herbarium
Repot flowers
Grow sprouts and germs / herbs
Peel off and sort stamps
Play music with your own instruments
read, learn / train for school / job,
learn new languages
Clean up the hard drive
write long overdue letters
play origami, knowledge quizzes or monopoly with the family
Solve Sudoku or crossword puzzles
Cut out advertising from recorded films
Cataloging videos, DVDs, books, stamps, coasters, postcards, etc.
Read the Basic Law / learn articles
pursue processes in the next district or regional court
Learn poems by heart (Goethe, Schiller, Heine etc.)
Sing songs with the family in several voices
Prepare tax return (sort and classify documents)
Bike tour
Cleaning the bike, washing the car
looking for new hobbies on the internet
do voluntary work, e.g. In the Freiw. Fire brigade, DLRG, blackboard
Support environmental protection program (clean up streams, watch birds, determine plant locations, etc.)
take part in an ornithological hike
go to the forest, photograph mushrooms (take close-ups) and determine
Learn folk dances from different countries (Sirtaki, Csardas, Tinikling, Fandango, Reel, Jig, Kasatschok etc.)
Make nesting boxes and hang them up
Tinker and set up a hedgehog shelter
Make your own chess game (with fretsaw and plywood or Fournier inlay or felt patchwork, etc.)
Take part in a tour of the brewery / sparkling wine cellar
Make a list of people after whom streets are named in their place of residence and search for information about these people
Visit concentration camp
take part in IVV half marathon or marathon hikes
Create disaster control reserves according to federal recommendations
harvest and preserve yourself on orchards (dry, jam, compote, juice, liqueur)
read up on potato fields (ask the farmer where table potatoes were planted)
Embroider the tapestry picture
Visit the open air museum
learn old craft techniques (pottery, weaving, basket weaving, tying brushes, piling, cleaving shingles, carving, etc.)
rehearse and perform small plays with family or friends
cycle to the next lake, row, paddle, pedal boat
learn different alphabets (Cyrillic, Arabic, etc.)
Take part in a guided tour of the State Library
Play self-catering (beer, wine, cheese, sauerkraut, liver sausage, etc. Do-it-yourself)
Take part in a guided tour of your own city
Look for old houses in your own city, determine the architectural style and research the history of the houses
Search for your own ancestors (create family tree)
Panning for gold in the Rhine
Visit the gemstone cutting shop / search for gemstones
Visit stalactite cave
Mudflat hike
to build a snowman
Tobogganing, skiing, ice skating, inline skating, roller skating
Build model trains
play darts
Visit the botanical garden
Learn hieroglyphs
Learn silk painting (or napkin technique)
Attend the VHS course
Make a list of local clubs and choose suitable ones to join
Scour the newspaper for companies that offer an open house and visit the companies
Try / cook recipes from different countries
Organize a barbecue evening
Refresh / expand math skills (math magic)
Write Poems
Learn new programming language
Art crochet mural
Climb the church or radio tower and paper fli