How do you get a Netflix series?


The question may sound very strange, but I've long imagined getting some kind of Netflix documentary. Does Netflix have to come to you yourself or can you introduce yourself somewhere or submit something.


Netflix naturally approaches people.


If a documentary producer believes you are worth devoting a documentary to, it will come to you.

"Applying" to Netflix is pretty much hopeless unless, as I said, you have a celebrity status ("Itsnoino - the private star - the new Netflix documentary")


You probably want to make a documentary for Netflix. Right?

3 ways:

Netflix approaches and commissions an documentary filmmaker.
The documentary filmmaker approaches Netflix with an idea. Netflix is convinced and hires the documentary filmmaker.
The documentary filmmaker shoots a documentary at his own expense and offers the finished Netflix work. Netflix buys and streams it.

1 and 2 are pretty much dropped in your case because you would have to be an established filmmaker for both.

do you already have experience? Otherwise it would make sense to familiarize yourself with documentary filming first, for example taking a few courses or seminars and doing a short trial run. Are there e.g. A film house, a film workshop or an open channel? These are often good places to start.


Yes there's. I'll take a look around.

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