Why is being different viewed weird?


I'm 13 and I'm at a secondary school. But many find me funny because I'm a vegetarian, read books, don't play games like Fortnite Rocket League or co, but only board games, or because I don't have Netflix. Why are you considered weird by so many children because you are different?


Everything that deviates in some way from a norm, per group, is treated badly.

That was already the case in tribal times…

People fear the unknown, or things they can't explain or react to it with anger.


Be you anyway!

Children (and slightly older, teenage children) can be cruel. Sometimes they're just looking for someone to pick on.

You do this to (supposedly) elevate yourself. Because they can't appreciate themselves.

I'm sure you're ok, a little different from your classmates, maybe. But "so what?"

Find people who are similar to you. And if you don't find them at your school but on the internet, that's okay too. Just make sure they are all real.


They have square heads:

The head is round so that the mind can change direction.
(Francis Picabia, French writer)

Pity them instead of being angry with them. 😊


You probably just can't cope with the fact that you are different, or have nothing better to do ^^ but don't let yourself be unsettled stay the way you are

Nowadays everyone tries to be like others expect and to adapt to groups, if one does something everyone else does it too, it annoys me too, but there's nothing you can do

Just look for people you trust, who accept you for who you are, or who have the same interests.

I was also looked at stupidly for a while because of my taste in music etc. But at some point people lose interest if you ignore it

By the way, I'm 13 too.


Because this behavior is often exemplified for them from home…

In addition, there's the so-called "peer pressure" - as individuals, many do not dare to say anything against those who think differently…

From an early age I encouraged my son to go his own way - to stand up for ideals that HE considers good and right, and not because a majority advocates them!

Stay as you are:

With all your uniqueness, your courage and your individuality - and never allow yourself to be bent to please others!

Always remember:

Everyone can "mainstream" - all the best for you!

I would like to give you these two quotes on your way, because I like people like you who take responsibility for their beliefs:

"We get the power we need from the current against which we swim." Leander Segebrecht
"Few things on earth are more troublesome than the silent admonition that comes from a good example!" Mark Twain


Then you get a star!


I have already quoted this quote several times…;)


Is not necessary - you got a lot of good answers here…;)


No of course you get the star


It is a very good one because it is so beautifully vivid 😊


Then I'll say "thank you"!

Why is my Netflix so weird? al allieerect7645