Vaio keeps going up and down, what to do?


I have a Vaio with Windows 10 on it,

Model: SVE171E13M


Product Name: SVE1713G1EW

I've used it mostly for Netflix for the past 12 months. When I turn it on, it boots up, enters the password and it starts until it shows my desktop. After about 2-3 minutes the message appears:

"The computer is restarting because of a problem."

Since then I can't do anything, it starts, I enter PW, loads the desktop and then shuts down again and again. In the meantime there's no more message, but a black screen and restarts after about 1 minute.

Tried to press F8 when switching on, but without success. It loads the login screen.

I also tried F10 & F12 because I connected the laptop to a monitor because my laptop display is broken.

Have not changed anything, no reinstallation or the like. Does anyone know what to do next?


That could be a hardware problem, maybe the memory.

Extremely affectionate? Cr CristianoSurgeon