Netflix keeps showing the same error code, what to do?


Netflix keeps showing me the text that they are currently having problems playing this song and I should try later or choose a different song. I contacted the Netflix customer service and told him my problem, after which the reboots had brought nothing he said to me I should contact the manufacturer (Thomson) because you most likely need a firmware update, I have already checked and I already have the latest Version of the software and can't update anything, does anyone know? : /


Are you trying to stream?

Then maybe it could be due to the internet connection?
So that's too slow.

Can you even test it and say what you achieve for results


Connection speed is 5.46 Mbit / s


Joa is not the fastest. Is that the upload or download do you know that?

Otherwise do the test again:


No, unfortunately not (have it at Netflix after) Youtube works but also quite normal (jerky at faster events strangely sometimes, but still shows everything), should I really go to Thomson now?


So unfortunately I have no idea. I would have to look at myself to be able to say more. The best thing to do with Thomson


I do. Otherwise, I ask at the store where I bought it, Thanks for the app and the help.


Deinstalliern. Phone on and reinstall.


Unfortunately, not, the app is not available in the Thomson Store (or whatever that means), probably preinstalled



Netflix Error? - 2 Fo Fostermine
Netflix error code? - 1 Ca Capricorngainful