MacBook is blowing loud?


I have a MacBook Pro 15 "late 2008. I'm still happy with the device, but I've been bothered a lot lately, that's when it gets really hot when I watch Netflix, Prime Video, or YouTube, and then Of course it blows very loud, if I just write something down, etc. It does not really happen, I screwed it on to clean the fans, but that did not work out.

Is that normal? And if not, what else can I do?


The thermal grease should be renewed after such a long time.


In fact, this has been the case with some devices since some macOS update. The current temperatures should also have something to do with it.

Get used to it, it will go away again.


The Wäremleitpaste you could exchange times - 11 years is a long time (or the WLP itself is possibly even older).

Otherwise, you can try a SMC reset, that can help (I once had, that the fans have unnecessarily turned up even with trifles). But do not think that helps, because you said the thing is warm (so it should actually be a cooling "problem".

Maybe you have to wait a few more months, now in the summer it is of course additionally warm, which I always notice in my 2011 Macbook (the fans actually turn up a bit more)


Thanks, I'll see how I can exchange the paste. It will not be that summer is. It was already like that in winter.