Feeling something is sometimes wrong with your girlfriend?


I have the feeling my girlfriend (both 16) doesn't love me more or differently than before. We got to know each other and iwie everything worked out immediately and I also believe that we're both really very satisfied.

Only sometimes do I have the feeling that, for example, she doesn't feel like meeting me or something. Sometimes we write for hours while everyone is watching Netflix for themselves and sometimes there's nothing… That makes me a bit exhausted and unhappy that it obviously changes 🤷♂️

What do you mean what it is.


That she has a life of her own and not your 24/7 entertainment is likely.


Talk to them. We can only guess, and since the background isn't exactly… Well, it's safer to ask.

Personally, I think the interest may be waning, meaning that she thinks she already knows everything about you. But as I said, just a guess.

Ask, but not so directly. Just inquire, otherwise you will always get the same answer or reaction.

Wish you good luck.


Of course, no one in the community knows why that is, the possibilities are too diverse for that.

However, I assume that puberty plays an important role. In this development phase the feelings are still very erratic.


Do you know what is most important in a good relationship?

Talk to each other… About everything and honestly!

Before any misunderstandings and fears arise.

So talk to her openly about your worries and ask her what she thinks and feels… This is the only way you will experience it.

Best of wishes you two.


Yes then speak to it, you can only get ahead with communication.