What should I do? - 5


Uhm. I have an app. Stop meeting a boy. We write and I asked for pictures, he sent them. I also believed. Well now I'm in love and I have feelings for him. In the end it turned out that it is not at all. And with that I always break down and become more negative.

What should I do to forget about this? Videos on YouTube and Netflix does not help. Sorry if there are errors here. I'm not that good at German ^^

Now we're ONLY friends. For info.

So don't want to break through something like that, have enough problems.

Oke how I see all think i just pay attention to looks. He was different from you


Hm i don't know my way around, but maybe you could look for a new hobby or meet friends, sry if i couldn't help you


Well that won't work again.

First, I can't change hobbies because of Corona or something.

And second, it's a bit complicated. Must not have friends. : /


I read some of your questions… I think you have enough problems right now and I guess you are just looking for a stop. Add to that puberty and it's all about.

Stopping in life doesn't mean falling in love with the first person you meet.

Take care of yourself first and then keep looking… All the best to you


Sometimes you feel extraordinarily alone and therefore you look for friends - somewhere you can. When you have feelings like that, it's very easy to believe. You don't want to think meaningfully.

So you met someone on the internet. There's always a chance that this person will lie. Everyone knows that.

So the solution is that you get to know another person who you like and who is your type. Then everything will be forgotten automatically.


Thanks. I can't control when I'm in love 🥺


Oke thank you 🥺