What content to choose for a speech on Netflix?


In German (9th grade) we now have the topic of rhetoric or "write and hold a speech". For this we should write all our interests on a piece of paper, which were subsequently mixed throughout the class. I drew the topic "Netflix". Now my question to you: What should I talk about? Our speeches should be about convincing the others. My only idea so far is to appeal to her: "Get Netflix!" or just the opposite "Why we should not use Netflix!".

Do you have any arguments for / against Netflix or other topics?


So I own Netflix and would say that is more practical because you pay once a month for a device 7.99 but you can watch any movie for free and that's just the practical because because z.b. Not all movies are free at Amazon Prime


It is best to keep the speech the way you are and to decide what you are thinking because it is always better to say your own opinion than to appeal in a speech for things you do not even see.

Personally, I would argue against streaming services, although they certainly offer many benefits and I use them myself, but there are enough negative points, so there are a few arguments against it:

-Many now only look Netflix and co and therefore no longer go to the cinema, where the experience is of course much more intense, as many can be just sprinkle with Netflix and not at all 100% and always have a second screen open.

- Most things on Netflix are not all that good and the really exciting stuff is hidden and barely seen, as Netflix only advertises its own series and shows great on the homepage and most of them just look at it instead of bothering themselves really looking for something. Most Netflix series are not that good and I have not seen a Netflix original series that I really liked.

-We are extremely dependent on the Netflix group, which alone decides what we see and v.a. What not. Because Netflix decides in the end what is included in the program and who only Netflix looks can't see an awful lot. For example, Netflix does not have a film history, and the oldest films there are felt from 1980, with a few exceptions that can be counted by hand. This educates underage audiences who do not know the great classics and thus rather find the new Netflix productions good, because they know no reference works. Big filmmakers like Godard, Fellini, Tarkovsky or Kurosawa are in vain on Netflix anyway and generally the whole program comes from the USA and the international film is hardly to be found.

Last but not least the cost argument. Surely you can say 7.99 a month is cheap, but then you can only see the stuff from a streaming service. Due to the competition between the services, it is difficult to see everything without subscribing to several services at once. At the latest when the next big Netflix series comes, you want to see them on Netflix and then when Game of Thrones comes you have to subscribe to Sky etc At the end of the day, if you only subscribe to one service, you are extremely dependent on it and if you want to see something different, you must also subscribe to several services.


Whether you are for or against, you have to keep the media world diverse and independent. Important messages that should be sent as impartially as possible.