Netflix Price Increase - Justify for you?

- in Movies

As most Netflix customers are now aware, Netflix is increasing its prices. The reason is to be able to offer more qualitative content in the future. A reasonably comprehensible justification.

However, even before the price increase, I was in such a position that I had increasingly problems finding interesting content for me, and subsequently used Netflix less and less frequently. Overall, Netflix does not hold what I had originally hoped, and for me personally, the development of the offer does not justify the price increase.

Since more and more rights holders of films and series such as Warner or Disney are also planning to create their own streaming portals, it is to be expected that the offer will decrease in size.

So I decided to quit Netflix first. How do you see it? Is the price increase justified by the supply development for you? Since you are satisfied with the offer overall? Or do you think the service is too expensive for what it offers?


I have an account on Netflix and Amazon Instant Video. What does not exist in one, there's the other. Mostly at least, many great series are unfortunately not available anywhere.

That's why I think Netflix is a bit expensive. I think with the extended offer they mean anyway only their own production, and I have to say that unfortunately I find the basically bad no matter who is behind it and whether it is a film or a series.

The thing is, every customer is in a different mood, and if the in-house productions, or whatever, are well received by the majority, it's natural that they're geared to it


So personally I find the price increase unfortunately not justified!

The offer is permanently miserable and the price / performance ratio fits even more.

Interesting series such as Daredevil or the Punisher are canceled by Netflix (not Disney), the rights to the broadcast of the BBC documentaries are not extended or lose them, their own productions are also usually boring to yawn and because the premium package with UltraHD equal to two euro (from 13,99 euro to 15,99 euro), I reduced my subscription to HD (from 13,99 euro to 11,99 euro) and save me four euro.

Now I'm waiting for what will deliver Disney + and then I will eventually cancel my Netflix subscription.


Precisely because some studios will be gone in the future they have to produce a lot to get a certain variety.

That costs a lot of coal, which must be brought back. So that was to be expected.

Your series and films, which you now have to create more, are of course (first?) Netflix exclusive.

What that will be will become apparent. So far, I did not like Netflix's own stuff.

Since I share my account, shared suffering is only half the pain of xD
I go there (or stay) where there's more scifi.