Which solution for 20 devices in one wlan?


We currently have 20 devices in a Wi-Fi, but never many of them are really active.

(5x Wi-Fi sockets / 2 iPads / 4 cell phones

raspberry pi / printer / TVs / consoles / Pc)

there's never a significant amount of bandwidth going outside or it is accessed from "outside".

the maximum load is that maybe 1 is on Netflix and 2 is googling something.

we have already made everything out and watched something on Netflix with 5 devices at the same time. Worked without a hitch.

I have the feeling that the wireless router can't handle so many devices.

is there a router that can handle so many users without any problems?

or does it make more sense to split the network (i.e. 2 wireless networks)? Although that would cause a lot of problems if the printer is not in the same Wi-Fi as my PC with which I want to print or the Xbox is not in the same Wi-Fi as my mobile phone. Or cell phone and sockets.

To my question

are there routers that solve my problem or is there a third option?


You're right about the fact that so many devices cause problems in the WLAN.

Every device that is dialed into the WLAN, including those in standby, are polled by the router at regular intervals. The slowest device determines the overall speed.

A remedy is provided by a so-called MESH system, as used in the latest generation of AVM routers (Fritz…). Repeaters can be used that do not use an extra WLAN and always have the same dial-in despite the division of the devices on routers / repeaters.

However, the speed of the Internet access divided by the number of active devices is then determined.


Would a single router that is capable of "mesh" be sufficient or would it only get better with a suitable mesh repeater?


A router doesn't make a MESH! This "division" is only possible with several devices! Without mesh, this also works with repeaters, but then each repeater sets up its own WLAN and you can allow all devices access to all these networks, but the MESH divides the user devices in such a way that the fastest result is achieved.