Would you really want to live forever (be immortal) or not?


I look at Netflix Blacklist and there was an episode where a man wanted to plant something in a brain and make sure that these people could live forever, that is, become immortal. It was his success that he wanted to win, which is why he sacrificed people with disabilities, but they died because he could not do it.

Then the question came to me, who would really want to be immortal, in a world where suffering, war, poverty, fear, grief, need, etc. Prevail and even if life is perfect for one now, it can swoosh and over with a happy life because you get sick or unemployed or whatever. ''

Now I wanted to know from you, would there really be someone among you who would want to be immortal? And if so why? Or are you happy if you ever die?


The world is already broken anyway and I don't want to see it getting worse.


If you don't age, it would be awesome to travel around the world and take time for everything. But I don't know, I'm not sure what to think.


100 years would be enough for me, so at least I no longer see the misery that awaits us. Unfortunately, our children have to experience this, unfortunately. We're slowly breaking ourselves.


I don't want to live forever. At some point you saw everything and experienced everything. I think at some point you get tired of people, the world, yes of life.


You MUST get on your nerves very early, because at the latest (!) Every 10 years you have to move far away because your surroundings notice that everyone is aging - just not you.


It is great! Then I would no longer have to see some heel-eating, and dance on the graves of my enemies.


If no one had to die anymore (and I presuppose that, because if this possibility existed, it would also be used), it implies that nobody is born and that there's no growth (-> no personal development).

Two thoughts:

The experience of growing up and growing up a child is worth more to me than living forever but not making this experience.
Of course you get new impressions all the time, but what would they be worth if I know that they will always be replaced anyway? The attraction of "now or never, this chance never comes again etc." wouldn't be there? For me it would not be worth living.


So I would not want to live forever for that. Better to live what you live to do your best, build something up, be it at work or starting a family, etc.

But when I'm in a depressive phase like now, I just think, oh how nice that it doesn't live forever and that it has to endure forever ''

and i'm not convinced that we can get the world back in order. That's what people are for, stupid, '' I say. I mean then you invent new security for the street or what do I know, or new rifles for the war, but the people are still shot and the children and people continue to live in poverty because nobody donates the money or says we do now a new home for these people, an entire city full of houses and opportunities to work and live ''

Or if the presidents only do what they want, like in china, and people are not even allowed to travel anywhere, etc. I think that will never get better. We can only delay it if we teach our children to live as free as possible from plastic, but the plastic was already produced one way or another, whether I buy it now, or someone else, or ultimately no one and it ends up in the garbage and subsequently in the stomachs of animals or make us sick.


Well I don't think it makes sense to put all of humanity's burden on your shoulders.

Yes, man will never overcome his inner "stupidity". But you don't have to despair, I see it as a starting point. I know it sounds cheesy but as Gandhi said: "Be the change you want to see in the world."

And when everyone takes a small step, the crowd moves at some point, no matter how sluggish it seems. In addition, you can take your surroundings with your own views and they carry it on and so on. This is how society emerges.

I think that the stupidity of people is like any other trait, it can express itself negatively or positively and that depends on everyone personally.

Well, and about the current problems that were known long before and are still not dealt with…

Good resignation is not a solution, so why get upset and despair? Better to act! Influence the environment, look where you can find your place. Politics, science, maybe in social service?

I have a positive outlook on the future, because in my opinion there's no other reasonable / goal-oriented view.

Nevertheless, I don't want to live forever for the reasons mentioned xD


Of course, you are right.

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