Underage friend doing illegal things on the Internet?


A friend of mine opened a "shop" where he sells different accounts like NoreVPN Netflix Spotify etc. What should I do that he will stop doing that if he continues what could happen or what could happen. (He didn't report taxes)

And my 2nd question is, he also created a PayPal account in his name even though he is a minor (fake data or something), what could happen to him if he continues with the shop and the PayPal account?

And how could I get him to stop?


I would talk to him first. Would ask why he does that. Would explain all the consequences to him. But if he still thinks he needs to continue, I would tell his parents. This is the best way, even if it makes you angry, later you will be thankful.


Ok, but what consequences would he expect, because he wouldn't believe me for the time being anyway, and I don't know me so well about everyone…


You can earn from it silence is sometimes gold xD


Haha xD