Improve language skills (French)?


I have had French in school for a little over 3 years, but because of music, among other things, I'm very motivated to master the language better, but unfortunately my French is only "solid" until now… Nevertheless, I would like to upgrade it and therefore wanted to ask if you have ideas or experiences about the most effective methods to learn a language fluently.

I have already started to watch a series on Netflix with French synchro and French subtitles, but unfortunately the subtitles rarely match (word to word) with the synchro.

So how would you proceed or do you have tips / experiences / methods or just a plan for me how I should proceed?


Put all things in French whenever possible. Year abroad in France. French friends. Games on French servers.


Because mod

what I wanted to say:
eat 2 crossiatts daily. I did it - I'm now already B2 and that without learning! And with DObabebis


deion misx mouse amgmus


Thank you brudi