Where can I see films in other languages?

- in Movies

I'm currently training as a foreign language secretary and am learning French. Since I'm extremely interested in languages, I also teach myself Russian on the side. And what better way to collect language practice and have fun at the same time than watching blockbusters and favorite films in the relevant languages. Harry Potter in French and Saw in Russian? In the age of the internet, I think it was done within 2 minutes. Well, puff cake. Prime Video only offers English and German as available languages, Netflix has French, but no Russian and there are not all films and on the usual websites such as Kinox etc. The selection is also rather rare in addition to English and German. But there are settings of the famous films all over the world, but where can I find them?

I thank you in advance.


Maybe look for the platforms from the respective countries that offer films.

Are there videos on You Tube too? Had seen a lot about refining lately. Unfortunately, the languages weren't mine.

But there's a channel on TV from France. How about music or something with Radiode, everything from all over the world.