French Youtubers and Netflix Series?


I've been learning French at school for 5 years, but still can't really. In contrast, I have only had English for 3 years and am already very good at it. The reason for this is that I, especially on the Internet, are very much confronted with the English language. You will not find anything of French in my out-of-school life.

Now I want to start looking at more things in French for my French to improve.

My question now is: Do you know French Youtuber, which you could recommend or Netflix series, which are in French in the original and not too difficult to understand?
(I do not think much of French dubbing)


I've been learning French at school for 5 years, but still can't really.

My French skills combined in one sentence.

Can't you watch almost every series in french?


Yes, but I do not think much of French dubbing. In my opinion everything sounds very 'fake'.


There's something on that. In addition, the French "overall flair" is not so good over, if the original plays in the US, for example.

Improve language skills (French)? Pu Punishmentsturdy