YouTubers or films / series?

- in Movies

What do you like more, the YouTubers with their videos or the films and series on Netflix etc. And why?


More exciting. Most Youtubers are currently only out for money anyway. I mean who do you want to watch right now?


I'm just trying to compare something like Game of Thrones with the stuff I see on Youtube…

No, Game of Thrones clearly has the more interesting storyline, the better actors and the higher level.

YouTube is often only VERY gentle entertainment. At least what you're referring to.


With series you can really immerse yourself in a new world. I just think it's wonderful.

Youtube only watch if I want to switch off a little before going to sleep in the evening. But then I watch some Fails / Dashcam videos. If I look at the well-known Youtubers like this, I see nothing that I could really follow closely.


Because there are many YouTube channels that can also serve education. So you get entertained and you can still learn something. There are also lectures, documentaries, and much more.

This is how our TV program should be…


And preferably films. But only the good guys 😝

I like it when something has hands and feet from front to back. For me YouTube is mainly used almost exclusively in the field of music and gaming.

Films / series? fr frail2466