Maybe I don't match my boyfriend?


I've been with my boyfriend for about 2 months and I'm slowly getting the feeling that we don't really fit together. For one thing, we have completely different humor and we don't have such real topics of conversation either. When we meet we either watch Netflix or he plays. We only use the phone once a month. I've talked to him about it several times, but nothing has changed…

Have you ever had the feeling in a relationship that you don't fit together and what exactly should I do?

I'm really madly in love with him and don't want to lose him, but on the other hand, I'm really unhappy…


If you are unhappy, stop and find someone who suits you.

Before entering into a relationship, it is important to get to know each other better and to consider whether there's any point in it


Maybe try to bring a little intimate love into the relationship (of course only if you want to) that could make you both aware of a few things.


To be honest, it was completely different before the relationship, maybe it was just because we didn't meet every week


It's your lifetime, think about if he's worth wasting more time with him


If you have absolutely nothing in common, not even a single common hobby, then that won't work: / In such a case, love doesn't help either.


Since you are apparently not happy with your character, since you say that you don't go together, you are obviously in love with his looks. If after talking several times still nothing changes you should break up because it only gives you a headache to hold on to it. You are apparently still young and still have so much plans and can still experience so much. Do that where you are happiest with. Just take some time for yourself and listen deeply to yourself. Also don't be afraid of the future because the future has always existed, only you are the one who can decide what the future should look like 😉


Then why did you enter into the relationship?


Before the relationship, he behaved completely differently. He was much more attentive and we did a lot more together

Second choice? Dr DressAlora