What do you think of The witcher?


So from the books, video games and the series (netflix).


The series has shown mixed feelings. Many were a little disappointed as she did a lot different than the books / films. Me z. B. But liked her very, very much (I'm not alone either).


The books are great. Next to Discworld and PERN, one of my absolute favorite series. Sapkowski plays with fairy tales and legends almost as well as Pratchett. Hats off. Adult, realistic fantasy at a high level.

The games…
The first part is great. Yes, it has its quirks, but a real highlight in terms of narrative. This will always be my favorite game.
Witcher 2 is the worst part of the series, in my opinion, despite being a solid game. Unfortunately, little or nothing is taken up from the first part.
The third part is also a really good game, no question about it, but here too I miss the connection to the open ends of the first witcher. I would have liked more from the Salamandra and Alvin / Jacques as well as the Flaming Rose. Also, a cleaner separation between the Wild Hunt spirit and Eredin.

And Ciri is pretty annoying to me because she has taken an extreme step backwards in character.
This is all whining on a high level, I know. I like the games, I loved meeting Regis again and learning more about Lambert and Eskel.

I can't comment on either series. I'm not a friend of it. What I have seen seems to be on the ball, but with the best will in the world I can't give a judgment.


I only know books and series, maybe I'll watch the games when the nasty, wet and cold part of the year comes.

I thought the books were great and will definitely be read again. Telling stories and fairy tales with so much twinkling in the eye, but still exciting, is quite an achievement. Jekanadar compared the series with Pratchett books, I also had the idea occasionally because some things were really so wonderfully twisted into the absurd.
The short story collections have to be seen as such, not as a continuous story. The other books form a long, exciting and good story that is problem-free from the time leaps.

The series is like a collection of short stories, always different times, different places etc. Which is of course confusing. Dandelion is just as annoying as in the book ^^


So first I have to come out as a big fan of the entire franchise. I came across Geralt a few years ago on YouTube; At that time my PC was not suitable for games, I didn't know anything about the books - and the series didn't exist yet. But I was fascinated by how many fans felt inspired by the game "Witcher 3".

That's why I checked out PlayThroughs on YouTube… And so at some point came across the books.

I like them a lot, especially because I think Sapkowski has a very own writing style. I'm fascinated by how he structures his stories - for example in the last volume of Pentalogy, in the first volume of short stories or in the independent novel "Zeit des Sturms". I like the construction of the framework and the embedded story. (Without spoiling in any way…) He also has a very unique way of not letting the reader look into the emotional world of his characters, but still showing him a lot about it. I found the third volume of Pentalogy to be a bit "tough" to read, but the middle parts are often a bit difficult.

Last fall, my poor old PC gave up… And on my new one, I was finally able to play Witcher myself. Witcher 3 I'm now in the third run. And I've now played through the first two Witcher games.

I think Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is a masterpiece. I like the story, the multi-layered characters, the open, freely explorable world, the incredibly beautiful landscapes, the side quests and the dry humor. And I like that the decisions in the game are not black and white good or bad. For me just a really, really great game.

Witcher 1 is also a wonderful game. It has a great atmosphere and an incredibly impressive finish that also raises philosophically demanding questions. I would recommend Witcher 1 to anyone who can get involved in an old, not entirely flawless game. You just notice - you have to say that - the age. In terms of gameplay, this is no longer comparable to current titles.

Despite being a fan of the franchise, I didn't really warm up with Witcher 2. And I really tried (as I said: fangirl…). I like the story. The graphics are great in their own way. The boss fights varied and sometimes really difficult. But the gameplay just spoiled the fun in some places. I can't say otherwise. In combat, Geralt is sometimes extremely tough on commands. All landscapes are confusing labyrinths, a good part of the game time you wander around desperately looking for the exit. (No lie: 3 minutes fight against an arachas, then wandered around in the valley for 20 minutes to find the one place where the exit is not marked.) I also struggled with a few bugs. Such things stop the fun of the game. However, I would recommend it to every fan because of the positive aspects (plot, humor, graphics, …). You just have to know what you're getting into.

Last on the series:

I was incredibly happy when I heard that the material was even recycled. So I see that alone as positive.

I also think the series is well done in its own way, even if it doesn't stick as close to the books as I would have liked. Cavill delivers a great Geralt and the scenes with him and Jaskier are great. The music is beautiful, the series finds its own visual language without trying to lean on the GoT, which was very popular during its planning phase. What really bothers me more and more - after watching it 3-4 times - is how the series actually burns up the material more than it does.

Many complain about the different time levels. I have to say that I perceived that as an attractive element… Because I know the story and that's why it never confused me. I really liked the penultimate episode, in which you relived the scenes from the first episode from a different perspective. I found a great twist.

My main criticism is really that she rushed through a lot of short stories too quickly. The show left out or twisted a lot of what fans love about the stories. I think there B. To the deformed fragments of the brokilon story


First of all, great answer! 👍 I have no problem with the fact that the series does a lot of things differently than the books, so the story is expanded, but as you said it is not perfect. But I have a lot of hope in the 2nd season.


If only it were different, I wouldn't have a problem with it either.

My problem with the show is:

1) What has been changed has not necessarily been logically changed in many places. Let us take magic as an example: Sometimes it costs the magician something - up to and including life; sometimes not. Or let's take the dialogues in the first episode with Renfri. The logic is missing: Geralt attacks Renfri's gang before Renfri has even threatened the village. That just doesn't fit.

2) It was not expanded, but "peed through". After only 8 episodes we checked off 2 volumes of short stories and the independent novel. I just miss so much what I love about the fluffy stories.

But yes, of course I'm still looking forward to the second season.


I only know the series of games. I found the first part very good, I played it through, but I gave up the third part after an hour of "story blabla". I'm not a big fan of a lot of story. First and foremost, I'm interested in the gameplay, I don't care about the story.


Thanks for the asterisk!

Witcher series? is israelcd