Use Sky Netflix account with multiple people?


I'm sharing a Netflix account with a friend who lives a bit further away. We do this with the payment so that we take turns every month and then always buy these vouchers which are available at Rewe etc. I know, it is a bit awkward but has worked great so far.

But my stepfather has now brought this new Sky offer in which Netflix is also there. Now my question: Can my girlfriend also use this Sky Netflix account if we give her the login details? Or is that somehow different with Sky?


In Netflix sharing is not allowed, the account may only be shared with people living in the same household, and that's what the SKY looks like, and if they realize that they are sharing their data, they are immediately terminated and there are a juicy penalty, and SKY checks on the IP if it is used in the same household. Only short uses of a different IP are allowed, for example if you are on vacation, but if it runs for a long time at the same time on a second IP notes SKY quite fast, and they do not understand fun