Sky or Skyticket?

- in Movies

I don't use any sky or netflix Amazon etc.

But I'll get Netflox soon and I also know how to do it from a friend.

But now I have a problem because there's a film and / or series coming soon that I have to watch!

But wait, they are only available on sky.

Now my question is… Is there something with sky that you only have sky for 3 or 4 days or do I have to get a sky ticket or a sky ticket?

Because I only need sky for a film and / or a 4-part mini-series.


Monthly Sky Ticket, can be canceled at any time


Now my question is… Is there something with sky that you only have sky for 3 or 4 days or do I have to get a sky ticket or a sky ticket?

Get a Sky Ticket for one month, this is the minimum contract period and can then be canceled on a monthly basis. You need the cinema ticket for films and the entertainment ticket for a series.


Maybe this comparison will help you make a decision?!