Are you jealous of the lower school students?


Are you jealous of the lower school students (grades 1-8) that the little kiddies can squat at home, while the teenagers (senior classes) are at increased risk of infection and also have to go back to school while the young children can put their feet up and gamble, watch Netflix and get away with puny homework.


To be jealous is stupid. By the way, nothing is currently certain how the regulation will come about. But should this happen, then as a graduate student you will have the chance to learn what will be shown in your grades from your graduation certificate throughout your life. In the coming school years, the younger students have to bring back what they have now missed. So more stress and pace. I would rather go to school. In addition, the school will only be reopened if infection protection concepts can also be followed.


Nene. But in many developments you are further, more independent, etc. So why get upset about such a puny thing? The tasks should have been done anyway.


It's not her fault. In addition, even if it were - which is not yet certain! - then they would have to go back to school in time. Apart from that, there's a reason for this - the upper level "must", if it comes to the government, absolutely have to write a high school diploma. What should the little ones have to do with, they didn't invent this rule.


But all school curricula are adapted to the current situation. So they have no disadvantage!


You seem to have gotten some things wrong. Nobody knows which regulation is used regarding the final classes. And grades 1-8 can't put their feet up any more than you or any other student. Because everyone else is also given tasks at home until it is clear when school will continue. And if that makes you so jealous, think about whether you are already mature, for some degree


I'm happy to return the question to you, because what you write sounds more like you are jealous.

Are you really in the upper level because what you write sounds like lower level / kindergarten.

Even if some of them just put their feet up, watch Netflix or gamble, well, they will have problems afterwards and not you, because the schools finally gave up tasks and not only for the upper grades.


Okay, but if the government wants so much that the high school students come first to prepare for their APs, why are not only the exam-related subjects taught?!


In the upper level, all advanced courses that you choose are actually relevant. And how do you want to know that this doesn't happen yet? Nothing is clear yet!


It is clear that progress is being made gradually and that the lower school students are likely to have no school all year round


Whatever the reason: you don't write a high school diploma. And nothing is clear, sorry, but what will really be done, whether the schools open at all, will only be discussed next week


Yes, it is adjusted and the content is spread over less time. And those who now have final exams simply need the chance to have classes.