Learn right?


I don't like to learn, but I really want to learn. Also to pass my time. Watching Netflix for hours is not really good news either. Just how do i do this right? That what also gets stuck? How do you do that? I always try to summarize what we've done in a subject in the last few hours and take a look at it. Unfortunately, I'm not very motivated either. Tips?


Drop out of school


Try to find out what kind of learner you are. For example, I remember things best when I hear them. So I say what I need to remember out loud. Movement also helps me memorize things.

When you know that, it becomes easier to learn and you don't lose interest so quickly.

What has also often helped me is everything I have to learn or want to be broken down into smaller parts and only do a little every day. Especially if you have a lot of time until the next lesson, you can plan several small steps. Then it's not that much at once. But then you really have to do something every day


You don't have the best experience with school, huh?


If writing summaries helps you, you are probably someone who learns best through writing, that's the same for me. It also helps me if I explain to someone what I have learned using the summary or lecture.

If you already watch Netflix try to watch your series in English, I always did and now study in Great Britain.


I will! English is my best subject. What are you studying in the UK?


I've always learned this way:

Find learner type: If you know your learner type, you have a better chance of being motivated and what you have learned will stay in your memory.
I'm a very visual guy. I need graphics, tables, drawings, etc.
In some subjects where there were books I looked at the next topic. I wrote out some terminology with post-its and stuck them into the book. Even the first questions.
At school I usually wrote rather monotonously, nothing nice. At home I processed the whole thing again. So you learn right away, because you deal with the topic again in peace.
When a sub-topic ended, I took index cards in A5 size and condensed the topic in my words. So I already had a flash card for a possible class test.
Definitions or the like, things that you have to learn by heart, such as formulas, etc. I wrote them on normal DIN A6-7 cards and always took them with me to school.
I started studying for class work two weeks earlier. I looked at the flash cards and just learned them. Because the knowledge was compressed and I was able to explain it better in my words, I also always looked at the index cards with the foreign terms. I also asked questions, or we received exercises with tasks. It is important that you do not lie to yourself and do it without cheating.


Marine sciences e.g. Marine biology, physics and chemistry






You are welcome. Find your learner type and try yourself out.