Disputes with my mother, what should i do?


I have an argument with my mother, but she always argues about little things that shouldn't be noticed. As for example recently I should go to bed at 9:00 p.m., but she saw me at 9:40 p.m. (I just set an alarm clock there, which I also told her several times). She goes into this several times a day even today. She herself logged out of my Netflix because of some little things. I try to settle the argument every day anew, but I feel like she turns everything around so that she has full hands every day and nobody helps her. Although we always help her, she would ask us! Of course, sometimes I didn't do the smartest things. I don't want to blame her either, but I have often apologized and told her I would work on myself (which I also try). However, she does not notice that she gets totally angry about little things. However, I think this is due to my age (12), since I'm probably in puberty. But shouldn't she also think and understand it? I and my mother actually always had great contact, we always got along really well with her, just somehow not this time. Does anyone know how to help me? Maybe someone was / is in the same situation and has found a way out?


If it says 9 p.m. It goes to bed, then 9 p.m. Cell phone and light is off. You could have set the alarm clock before 9 p.m. Your mother is right. Do what you are told, then there's no argument