How do parents explain that I want a TV in the room?


I want a TV in my room so that I can watch Netflix with friends or play playsi


Avoid the verb "want". You can wish it or ask for it.


Don't just want to, but think about how you can finance it. Parents are more willing to do something if the offspring doesn't just want to have it. Apart from that, also check the situation regarding the connection.


You are 13 years old as I understand it.

You can find something with your parents. E.g. If you get a good grade at school 5 times or do small jobs over and over again for 1-2 months… Etc.

Then you can work your way through the television


The best argument you can deliver is enough money on the account to buy you a suitable device.

If you have younger siblings there's a second chain of arguments. Because if you are the older one, you can certainly look at things that are not necessarily suitable for your younger siblings. But what is bad if you can only do it on the TV in the living room.

Otherwise, it's Christmas and the season. Always a good idea, even in combination with personal contribution.

Also which TV you want. Nen smaller used HD televisions would be able to get through more than a 4k television that costs around 1000 euro.


Hear your parents' arguments why they don't want that. And offer compromises in this regard.

Example: Then you just watch the whole thing on TV.

Solution: Agree on usage times and configure the technical devices so that you can only use them at the agreed times.

In the discussion, you can also ask about specific conditions under which you would get a television.


Perhaps by "working out" it for you. And agree that from… O'clock the cable is gone.

Often parents have in mind (and often not wrongly) that they just crouch in front of the part all day. And half the night too. So also agree on usage times (and hold on, otherwise the part is gone again)