Best friend annoys, tips?


Hi, my best friend (we're very good friends for about 3 years now and are now in the 9th grade on the Real) annoying me pretty much lately. It's kind of a shame, because we talked about the most secret things and always had something to laugh about. But unfortunately that is not anymore.

She is always annoyed by everything and everyone, extremely pessimistic and sooo lazy. If I want to do something I can't do on my own she never feels like it and when she's away from school, she just lies in bed at home watching Netflix. And if we do something zsm, she just hangs on the phone. Even if I'm getting blamed for something she's guilty of, she just turns away. Overall, she is so shy and always just hangs on me, that annoys slowly. And I have to do everything for her because she can't talk to people or talk to them. For example, I also wanted to sit somewhere else than always next to her and of course that's not possible.

Now it is also the case that she does an internship at the same place as me, although she made clear to me several times in the clearest terms that she definitely does not want to go there. And she's totally overreacting too; if you give her a tip, she takes the same as Anmeckern or something. We're also visited by teachers during the internship and I'm afraid that they will complain again or think badly because we're just hanging on each other again and can't do it all by myself although I would like to do something on my own.

When I speak to her on something she is super pissed off and totally reacts?

What can I do? I would also want to be friends with her, but on a normal level and sometimes something to do with others.

When I do something with others, she is always there and / or is jealous, that pisses me off!

Sorry for the long text, I hope you can help me and give serious advice.

Glg from Austria!


So on the one hand it just sticks to you and annoys you, on the other hand you can almost noe do something together, because she does not feel like it.

What is it?


At school she sticks to me and if she wants to do something in her free time, she never likes it


Vll she sees more in you than just friendship, or has private problems about which she can't speak. If you care about her, do not give her up, try to ask carefully and be there for her. LG


Even in a friendship you have to leave your free space

It's the same as in a long-standing marriage…

One is not possession of the other…

You should also set limits on your girlfriend…

Before it keeps bubbling in you, because it bothers you so much about her, but in the end you let it continue like this, nothing will change…

Since you should put the lever…

If you are too focused on each other, it usually comes to tensions

Do you break out there, do something with others… Even if she is snuffled…

She will know that she is important to you, right?

You can't fix everything for her either -if you do it non-stop, you run the risk that she will not get her own life under control…

I hope you can find a good way that will make it better and that I could help you?

That would be very nice!