As you can see from the title, I have smaller FPS drops in Fortnite, which bother me a lot.
Everything works great in other games like GTA Valorant.
Info: Laggt even with lower settings and only one screen
Set up:
1 screen
180 Hz
27 in
(this runs Fortnite)
1 screen
180 Hz
24 inches
(on this one runs Netflix)
GTX 1070 ti
Ame Ryzen 7 2700
Frame Cap: 180
Window mode: full screen
Resolution: WQHD
3d resolution: 75%
Textures Effects Antialiasing etc: Medium
Improvement attempts:
New Fortnite folder created
Current GPU driver downloaded
Current Windows downloaded
Nvidia control panel completely adapted
1 question: Should I get a new GPU or CPU… For the GPU it would be an RTX 3070 (CPU suggestions open)
2 Question: The new Nvidia Latence Low Setting should be available soon… That will bring me something
3 Question: Will reinstalling the HDD on the SSD be of any use?
4 Question: Does an AMD Ryzen 7 2700 provide the power of the new Rtx 3070
I think it's not the GPU or the CPU but the drivers!
Have a worse setup and no FPS drops
Which driver do you mean
GPU driver is the newest
Something is bothering there apparently, had the same problem time and after the deinstallation of the Nvidia Game Launcher or whatever it is called. (What is going on in Fortnite Shadowplay) everything went again without FPS drops.
Ok I'll try it
but to be honest I don't know exactly what the Nvidia Game Launcher is
I only know Nvidia Experience
Exactly, that's what I mean!
Somehow that can't be because I only got the one for a few days where it started to lag
I think it's the processor because Fortnite is a processor-based game and the graphics card doesn't really work
I'm only reporting on my experiences. Can of course be what is responsible for it with you. But not the graphics card or CPU. My 1060 has run out of FPS drops.
No man n ryzen 7 is enough in fortnite for stable 240 with ner better graphics card
Which do you have?
BTW again I have made shadowlands in experience
Well, I have a 1050ti and a Ryzen 7 and only have 149 constant
So I have a better graphics card
OK what a guy, if I may ask
Sure ne Gtx 1070 ti
Everyone has problems with the FPS right now.
Had constant 240FPS before season 4, 180-220 since update.
Ne rx580 but to what extent is that relevant?
Yes, my 1050 had before and just got everything else new
Ah ok
But it would be smart to upgrade because most of the power of the ryzen 7 flutes goes
Yes, I'm waiting for the 3000 herons
Yes, I hope it comes before 2021 but hardly
Aso lol nvidia was gard at amd cpus haha
Yes, I still have time to continue doing mini jobs, which will definitely be expensive
500 stop the rtx 3070 cheaper is not yet with the new. But yeah musch halt hustle
So do you think I should upgrade my graphics card to 3070 and the CPU wouldn't limit this either
The problem is I had 180 now I have 140 and sometimes the FPS drugs down to 30
The FPS change doesn't bother me at all, but these FPS drops
What do you mean the shaft of the Ryzen 7 the 3070
Well, I have a Ryzen 7 3700x and I will buy it, but I guess it works
I go from give times in a bottleneck calculator the 7 with ner 2080ti.
At ner 2080 ti:
Average bottleneck percentage: 0.73%
at 1070 ti (current): Average bottleneck percentage: 6.85%
I didn't even know that my current processor was that good
But it goes off