Why can't I use Crunchyroll via an apk file?


Since Crunchyroll is not available for my Android version, just like for example Netflix, I downloaded an apk file and then installed the app over it. My tablet also shows Crunchyroll under "installed" in the settings, but when I tap it it doesn't open… The apk file worked on Netflix, so why doesn't it work on Crunchyroll? And how can I fix that?


I can't say exactly why it doesn't work.

However, it may well be that the app uses features of the operating system that are only available in higher versions - and therefore does not work with your unsupported Android version


Which android version do you have?


Android 9.0


And why can't you use the right Crunchyroll? Do you have a Huawei P40 or something like that?


Yes. Why?


Ah yes. Is now understandable. It's just bad luck. But it's your own fault if you've bought one of the new series, you know what problems there are. I have the P30 pro myself and fortunately I don't have the problems. Sorry but you have no choice but to use it via the browser.


"It's your own fault" sounds kind of mean, after all I got the tablet as a gift and didn't buy it myself… And I can't look through the browser… Then he always says "Please download the app…"


It's actually a kind of bigger cell phone… Wait… Did I get that correctly, I should complain to my parents because they bought me the wrong cell phone? Better not, otherwise they'll come up with "Be glad you have one at all" or "We can take it away from you" 😂