Netflix gift card?


I bought a netflix gift card worth 25 euro. Since a month of netflix premium only costs 15 euro, I didn't spend the whole 25 euro. But when I enter the code of the card again it says that the card has already been used or the code has already been used. What should I do now because I don't want to spend 25 euro every time and then only use the card once


Now you still have 10 euro in credit which will be offset against your next payment.


Okay so i changed my subscription to the basic subscription and that costs only 8 euro and that was somehow not paid for


The full 25 euro have already been posted to the Netflix account the first time, the remaining 10 euro are available there, so the code does not have to be entered again.


You have been credited 10 euro to your account.
The next payment will then be made with a discount of 10 euro

Changing the subscription does not work.
The credit is considered a discount and you can only use a discount when you buy something.

But you can still call the support and ask if they could do that briefly.
But unfortunately that doesn't work automatically.


The remaining 10 euro will remain in your account, so you either have to pay 5 euro on top or you can use your account and only 5 euro will be debited.


Strange. Should actually still have been credited to your account and should therefore work. Call the support and describe this matter.