What do you do when you have your days?


The question is of course only to all female beings here. I have gotten my last days and do not really know what I can do it. The pain is horrible but tablets are not in the house. In addition, sports should actually be good, but these pain I just do not motivate me to get up and do something.

Does a Netflix tag with chocolate and hot water bottle last? Or what do you do if you have your days?


I started with the pill, but of course that's not good.

The best you talk to a gynecologist or your family doctor about it.

Otherwise, I can recommend "Dismenol forte". You can get that over the counter at the pharmacy and it did not just help me.


Does a Netflix tag with chocolate and hot water bottle last? Or what do you do if you have your days?

Would have to be enough. I do not do anything because I rarely have any really severe pain.


It depends on how I'm concrete. Sometimes I do not notice anything. Basically, it helps me if my stomach level is high enough, and if it comes down to it, I'll take an additional Preperat.

Last time I was extremely tired, luckily I did not have to leave the house much. I slept half the day.

If necessary, I take pain medication. I always have some in the house. I prefer ibuprofen, 400mg. In general, pain medications in women are not quite as good, so rather a higher dose.

And depending on the just synonymous hot water bottle.

In general, it can be helpful to talk to the gynecologist. Sometimes there's a bigger problem.


There are days when I do not notice anything, because I do my normal thing, at other I lie with a hot water bottle in bed. Then I also take a painkiller.


Hot bathing helps me sometimes.