Videos on the internet keep pausing for no reason. Does anyone have any suggestions?


No matter which browser I use, which video (Youtube, Netflix, F1 TV Livestream).
It can't actually be due to Windows, because I had the problem before I restarted Windows and now again / still.
It's not because of the internet, for example I can also look at Youtube in 1440p or 2160p with my 200k line and if it pauses (does not buffer!), Then enough is preloaded and can continue looking straight away as soon as I continue.
With F1 TV it is even a live stream, where there's not even a pause button and I have to continue with a right click because you can neither pause at the bottom of the bar nor when you can click in the middle of the video. When I look at it on Chrome, I even have to reload the tab because Chrome can't right-click to continue.


What is the hardware utilization like?


CPU = max 10%, avg 3-5%

GPU = max 15%, avg 10%
RAM = 19%

Also happens when I'm in another tab and don't do anything there, e.g. On google


Does this also happen on other devices? Another PC, cell phone, television?


No, only on my PC.
btw the PC is almost exclusively with new hardware, only the power supply unit, graphics card, drive and my two hard drives (SSD and HDD) are the same.
Windows is now on a new hard drive (M.2)


Maybe it's down to Windows or a driver.

To test this you could create a Linux USB stick and start the PC from it.


Well, I'll try it out because I don't have any other ideas anyway. I'll get in touch here again, if it doesn't happen there.