How many GB of data volume do you use if you watch Netflix all day and is it allowed by the Internet provider to use that much data volume?


How many GB of data volume do you use if you watch Netflix all day and is it allowed by the Internet provider to use that much data volume?


You can do whatever you want with your data volume, I don't know now that any provider has a say.


So if you have unlimited internet access then use it as much as you want, in the end you pay


It depends on the quality you are looking at.
With Netflix, this is also in the settings, where you can select the quality.

Low - up to 0.3 GB per hour
Medium - up to 0.7 GB per hour
High - up to 3 GB per hour for HD, 7 GB per hour for Ultra HD

If you have normal Internet without restrictions, i.e. The provider does not throttle according to a certain data volume, then your provider doesn't care that you watch Netflix all day.

Edit: I just see you have a smartphone. Is there a provider who doesn't throttle at all? I do not know anyone. I only know providers where you also have to buy something so that Netflix is not included in the data volume. If you don't have that, then you'd better leave it.