English presentation | Are the phrases okay?


I'll hold a 10 min soon. English presentation. However, I'm not sure if the start / finish phrases are good.

At the beginning:

Today I'll present you my GFS about (topic).

I structure my presentation in…

At the end:

That or this (I'm not sure if you use this or that) what my presentation about the topic

I hope you like it.

Do you have any questions?

Are the phrases so good or do you have suggestions for improvement?


Going to, not wanting
That's the end of my presentation about
Do you have any questions


The first one is good and as far as right, I think.

For the second one, though, I would not say what you say, just say the structure, eg 'we start with. After that I'll tell you something about… And then… At the end you can ask me questions' or so, sounds, I think, better.

The third: 'That's what my presentation about…

Fourth: 'I hope you like it' as far as right.

But at the fifth, many make mistakes, it is not English. Either you say 'have you got any questions?' or 'do you have any questions?'


Thank you for your answer. But then today I'm going to present my GFS about? And not just today I going to?


Yes exactly


Today I'll present you my GFS about (topic).

I structure my presentation in…

This was my presentation about the topic

I hope you like it.

Do you have any questions?

The bold must be corrected. I hope I did not miss anything.

For the vocabulary and spelling I recommend a good (online) dictionary, e.g. Pons.com,

for the grammar ego4u.de and englisch-hilfen.de - and keep your fingers away from the Google Übelsetzer and his tr.tteligen colleagues!

Tips and turns - introductory and concluding sentences to English presentations / presentations you can also find. A. Here: ego4u.de/de/cram-up/writing/presentation

:-) AstridDerPu