Which Magic Cleaning Book to Buy?


There are the following books by KonMarie:

https://www.amazon.de/...499624818/ (2013)

https://www.amazon.de/...499628953/ (2014)
Magic Cleaning: How to Get Out of Ballast and Become Happy (2017)

https://www.amazon.de/...499633817/ (2018)

Which one would you recommend? I've only seen the Netflix series so far.
Are the two older volumes (1st + 2nd) better? Is the big book (4th) a summary of the older ones? Does it have the same content or does it contain new findings / more methods?


I read book 1) two years ago and have had very good experiences with it. Book 2) is the sequel that shows other clean-up methods.


Thank you. Do you happen to know whether the content of the first book will get close to the Netflix series? I was unable to discover anything new during the reading sample. The reading sample from the second book already contained tips that I didn't know from the series ^^


In the series, Marie Kondo visits a wide variety of households and basically shows how the tips from her book can be implemented.

The book is a practical guide from start to finish.